October 21, 2009

Forex Free News

Yuval Amar asked: A few months ago the FX-BAR FREE Forex toolbar was launched and is already becoming very popular. What started as a search for better connection to the Forex market is now something that some Forex traders can not do without. I want to share with you the concept of the Forex toolbar, why it was created, and how exactly does it help with Forex trading.The reason why I’ve created the Forex toolbar in the first place was for convenience. As a Forex trader, I found myself looking for useful Forex related sites, jumping from one to the other, and trying to stay connected to the Forex market at all times. It’s not easy. And as every Forex trader knows, the Forex market is FAST and BRUTAL, and you can’t afford to skip a beat.Another thing I found to be very stressful was trading alone. If you are not a veteran Forex trader and you don’t have enough confidence, that alone can result in great losses. I personally think that 90% of Forex trading is psychological. If you have support and confidence you can make the right decision with a clear mindset and make most of your trades (no one is perfect…) to be successful ones.So there are two aspects that can really assist any Forex trader and make Forex trading much easier – Better connection to the Forex market and to Forex traders .So how does the Forex toolbar help with these aspects?In the toolbar you can find live Forex quotes and Forex news that allow you to stay connected to the Forex market whenever you have a browser, any browser, open. You don’t have to “live” in front of a Forex website any more in order to stay connected. The links to various Forex related sites such as Forex brokers, Forex Forums, Forex charts, etc, give you easy access to the Forex market.Regarding the second aspect, I’ve added a chat and a RSS message board to the toolbar. The chat is for live discussions regarding Forex. It is very helpful to chat, before or while trading, with other Forex traders. The RSS message board is for posting questions or ideas and address all the forex traders who downloaded the toolbar.There are some other enhancements on the Forex toolbar that are not necessarily Forex related but can be very useful such as a Google search tab and an email notifier.The essential resources that the Forex toolbar provides really simplify Forex trading! I hope everyone will enjoy the Forex toolbar and will find it very useful.

But aside from your considerations about broker fees, forex currency trading the fx exchange is a place where all other things are equal. Not even the USA Treasury can support or dominate the US dollar for more than a day or so. Essentially you are trading in a free market with faceless people who will never know you either. And if you are smarter than they are, you will take their money to be your own, and your fx strategies will empower you to do this at will. Your will.

Forex currency trading is not about luck or about gambling. In fact, you should see forex currency trading as a computer game just as kids play them. Get involved, get passionate about your 4x trades, but never so emotional that you lose sight of it being a strategy game.

It is just a game of skill, strategy and tactics. As such, teenagers can be the best at forex currency trading. To trade currency you must remove your emotions, and see it as a computer game of skill and tactics that kids use every day. Shoot in your trades, knock them down with strategy, drag out your cash.

I don’t want to use gambling as an example to explain my point, but look at pontoon, Black Jack or 21’s – whatever you want to call it. Ignoring card-counting, the simple fact is that when you are dealt and ace, you are smart to bet bigger. When forex currency trading, you will recognize when there are times to pull out a familiar strategy and drive it home for maximum profits.

Some things are more likely than others. When you get an ace, their is a higher chance of a picture card to give you black jack. When there is a huge swing, there is a likely chance of a pull back or retracement.

However, no way can you consider following spikes and dips in the fx exchange as a strategy to make money trading currency. Rather, forex currency trading is about seeing the charts, and selecting the fx strategy that is right for the next fx trade to make. It is about being aware of the news that just hits the fx exchange markets and it is about being aware of the fundamentals of the world’s economies. And it is about when to trade forex currency.

To trade currency you need to have fx strategies that you have mastered. Some fx strategy is simple and easy, others take time to master. Give yourself that time. You can only make serious money trading currency when you have studied the right rules for success and applied them. Don’t get too excited about a large, one day windfall in your favor. It’s easy to lose that and more if you have no rules in place to protect you.

Do get excited when you knew you could not lose on a fx trade because your strategy left no room for error. Do get excited when you know that whatever the fx market did, your butt was covered – say by a hedging strategy.

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